<![CDATA[Lotus Moons Creations & Photography - Brain Blossom Blog]]>Sat, 11 May 2024 15:24:10 -0400Weebly<![CDATA[Autumn Love]]>Mon, 16 Oct 2023 20:47:58 GMThttp://lotusmoonscreations.com/brainblossoms/autumn-loveIt is becoming my favorite time of the year. Autumn is changing the color of the world around us and the leaves are falling from the trees to decorate the roads and everything in between. The temperature is dropping and putting a lovely chill in the air that prompts us to pull the winter clothes and coats out of storage and replace them with our summer garments in the storage area. 

I don't know about you but it is when I start to feel the small bite of the chill in the air that I get excited for scarves and boots and hoodies and jackets... and then there are the wonderful scents of pumpkin spice everything and warm apple cider on the stove with cinnamon sticks and cloves and orange slices... the taste of fall is just as splendid as the aromas. I just love everything about fall except that it turns into winter. I am a fan of winter when I live in more northern areas... Even in North Georgia we got just enough snow to make it seem like winter. Here in South Georgia, however, we rarely get snow. We get some fairly cold days but when you have been down here a while it starts seeming colder than it really is. I personally don't want winter if there is no snow. I don't want to suffer the cold if I can't watch the snow fall a little.

But I digress. I do love the fall and that is where I have been finding myself for the last week or so. Today I pulled out all of my hoodies from the back of the closet and slipped on my fuzzy socks and furry slippers for walking around the house. The leaves are falling but South Georgia don't get as pretty in the fall as places further north, even just up near Atlanta. I am still in Autumn heaven though. 

I really hope that you all are doing well where you are at. Have a lovely week ahead!

​Toodles, Mia
<![CDATA[Yay I am getting some Holiday items...]]>Mon, 02 Oct 2023 20:12:27 GMThttp://lotusmoonscreations.com/brainblossoms/yay-i-am-getting-some-holiday-items
I have 4 of these 2023 Holiday Charcuterie boards available on my Etsy shop. It comes with the display stand so your visitors can see your limited edition, natural slate, laser etched board. We are only making these 4 so hurry to go get yours! Already cleaned, sealed, and polished with food grade stone products.

I know I have not been on here for a bit but I have been resting and working on me more than anything. I have been working multiple jobs for a few years now and I am finally down to one and of course my photography and Etsy. I found that having 2 days off every week takes some getting used to. I was tired and not really enthused about much there for a bit so I have rested and done some self discovery and I think I am ready to get back to it. I will be on here a bit more now. 

Now hurry and go get that unique item from my shop before we run out! 


<![CDATA[If at first you don't succeed...]]>Tue, 05 Sep 2023 20:27:27 GMThttp://lotusmoonscreations.com/brainblossoms/if-at-first-you-dont-succeedSo the last Blog I done was erased by the internet spirits I suppose. The title went out but none of the post. I do not know how that happened... all I know is I hit post and the internet crashed and the title was a success but the post itself flew off to never never land I suppose. It has been a few days, because that is how long it took to get the internet fixed and now I barely remember what the post said. I know it had something to do with the half of a hurricane that dropped leaves and limbs in my yard to the point that it sounded like we were sitting underneath a basketball court the entire day. Barely any rain at all but the winds were no more than about 50MPH gusts. A lot of people lost power, but we never did. However, the next evening I sit down at my computer and wham the internet broke! So I have been without it for days and unable to do anything I wanted to. I have spent my day today burning some of the limbs and leaves and doing other yard work until the guys got here and fixed the internet and now I'M BACK! I will hopefully post again soon. 

Toodles, Mia
<![CDATA[Well that was fun...]]>Thu, 31 Aug 2023 22:33:21 GMThttp://lotusmoonscreations.com/brainblossoms/well-that-was-fun]]><![CDATA[ETSY is live!]]>Mon, 28 Aug 2023 21:08:35 GMThttp://lotusmoonscreations.com/brainblossoms/etsy-is-liveWell I finally got my Etsy shop up and running. You can see the link at the bottom of each page on this website. We have a Hurricane heading towards us so I have been busy preparing  for the least amount of MY things flying across towns as possible. I would love to keep the things I have already paid for, thank you very much. I somehow have found a way to mess up my secondary camera and am currently working on fixing the issue. I plan on getting a little bit of time next weekend to go out scouting for new and fun photos if the weather permits. Please be aware that there will be things in my Etsy shop for all genres and some things have been suggested by friends. I only have two items up for sale at the moment but more are in production as I am typing. Be patient with me ok. I am learning a lot on the fly. Ok gotta go, Batman needs some assistance. 

Toodles, Mia
<![CDATA[And the rain...]]>Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:26:53 GMThttp://lotusmoonscreations.com/brainblossoms/and-the-rainSo yesterday I went out in the morning and tried to take some photos. I was out in the hot sunshine for about 30 minutes and got some great cloud pics but they just got closer and closer but I could see the rain within them and eventually headed back to my car. I was in my car for less than a minute when the rain hit where I was. Timed that perfect. I thought of waiting it out but it was sticking around for a couple of hours so I called it a day. one photo in particular was a favorite of mine that I took from the Marshgrass. I am going to try to put it in this blog but it has been giving me problems doing that so it might be in its own post. Hope you all had a terrific weekend. 
​Toodles, Mia

<![CDATA[Lotus Moons Traveling...]]>Sat, 19 Aug 2023 19:49:35 GMThttp://lotusmoonscreations.com/brainblossoms/lotus-moons-travelingI am planning a small photo adventure to Hilton Head South Carolina in mid to late September, to go to the Harbour Town Lighthouse. I love Lighthouses and I love Hilton Head. My grown son and I and my camera equipment will make a day of it. We will go to the lighthouse and take lots of photos and I am planning to pay a visit to my favorite eating place in Hilton Head, Skull Creek Boathouse, for dinner and I want to try to get some sunset pictures out in the Marina. Then back to the lighthouse for some after dark pics of the lighthouse if possible. I am thinking of making the trip a small event for anyone who may follow me or just people I run into while I am there. More info on that in a couple of weeks when I have the plans a little more thought out. Keep checking in for more information, here, and on my social media. Click the links at the bottom of the pages to be directed to my Facebook, Insta, and Twitter. I am excited!!!

<![CDATA[Technical difficulties]]>Wed, 16 Aug 2023 16:46:05 GMThttp://lotusmoonscreations.com/brainblossoms/technical-difficultiesPicture
This Be my little friend! Sorry, but the tech gods were apparently arguing over if I should be allowed to post his picture because it jus would not load in my last entry. Sorry tech Gods, I brought it through the back gate and bypassed you! (tongue waggle) 

<![CDATA[Out of the HOUSE!!!]]>Wed, 16 Aug 2023 16:37:32 GMThttp://lotusmoonscreations.com/brainblossoms/out-of-the-houseI got to get out of the house today after a week indoors with Covid! As I walked out the front door I was greeted by a visitor on my front stoop. I stopped to say "How-Do" and take his picture, because he was a handsome fella and then I went on about my business. I had some business to attend to first and foremost and then a little shopping and then I came back home. I go back to my full time job tomorrow so I wanted to take care of the necessities today. It is Hump da, after all, so I had to get my hump in gear, ya know? Lol. I just wanted to. stop in and introduce you to my visitor this morning... Hahaha Say hello to my little friend. 

​Toodles, Mia
<![CDATA[Done and Done...]]>Tue, 15 Aug 2023 17:38:41 GMThttp://lotusmoonscreations.com/brainblossoms/done-and-doneI have finished the editing process for my recent photo shoot and will be sending it to the client on Friday. It has been a thrill ride to say the least. Almost a week ago I contracted Covid and Strep (I hit the lottery there, Right) from a coworker and so I have been stuck at home not really feeling sick but staying home none-the-less, to keep from spreading it to others. So at least with all the photos I had to edit, I have had plenty to do on my at home days. That is the great thing about a home business. I can stay at home sick and still be productive. Computers don't spread those kinds of viruses. LOL So I still have the rest of today and tomorrow to stay home and then Thursday I am free to go back to work, and then Friday I will send the client their photos. I have an additional gift for them but they are out of town so I will deliver that at a later date. So now on my next day off I can go out and have a photography day where I can play with my Olympus. I have not had much time to get accustomed to it yet but I sure want to. Freedom!
Y'all have a fabulous day!!!